Thursday, May 18, 2017

Hiatus Over!

I took an extended leave of absence from the blogosphere over here a few years ago. Shortly after I posted the last entry, my precious father-in-law died. That rocked our family to the core and we took some time to reassess our priorities. As we grieved, we also sold our home in Maryland and relocated to Florida to rebuild our lives.

Life is very different here, but we were fortunate to build a custom home. In my extended blog absence, I posted many things on Pinterest in order to keep some design ideas organized for our build.

Over the next few weeks, I'll share how that all went down with some exclusive photo peeks. We love the space we now have, and I'm about to begin the slow process of finishing the interiors, room by room.

I've updated the blog to include some of the curating I've done on Pinterest and Instagram. Please follow along and let me know! I'd love to hear from you.

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